Sunday, 14 April 2013

Khalish ponteng Terapi...

Khalish is not feeling well...dah a few days badan panas, batuk & sakit mata. Khalish attend two types of is Physiotheraphy and another is Occupational Theraphy. He has to attend theraphy session because of his developmental delayed. This is due to his Hydrochephalus. For those of you who are wondering what is Hydrochephalus, here's the answer :

A condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain, typically in young children, enlarging the head and sometimes causing brain damage or for more simple terms, 'water on the brain'.

Kadang-kadang kita ada nampak baby yang kepala dia besar dari badankan? Ha..itu la penyakit Hyrochephalus!

At first masa doctor detect problem ni, doctor Neurology nak pasang shunt right away. Shunt ialah a device that diverts fluid from the brain into the abdominal cavity where it is safely absorbed into the blood stream. I'm not a doctor but what I understand is that this shunt is use to drain the water from the brain. The doctor decided to wait for Khalish to grow because it's too risky to do the operation with his low weight condition. Alhamdulillah, as he grows the water is static air x bertambah. But the effect of this Hydrochephalus is that he has Celebral Palsy. 

CP (Cerebral Palsy/ kelumpuhan otak besar) adalah suatu keadaan dimana penderitanya mengalami masalah pengendalian otot, kekakuan, kelumpuhan serta mengalami gangguan fungsi saraf lainnya. CP bukanlah merupakan suatu penyakit dan tidak bersifat progresif (penderita tidak semakin memburuk dan juga tidak semakin baik). Secara umumnya, palsi serebrum boleh dibahagikan kepada tiga jenis iaitu spastik (spastic), athetosis (athetoid) dan ataxia (ataxic).

We are not sure Khalish's fall into which category doctor have not decided yet he's still too small. But we pray that it is just mild...but still he has to start doing theraphy. Untuk Fisioterapi, Khalish belajar meniarap, merangkak & duduk. Untuk Occupational (terapi carakerja), Khalish banyak belajar pergerakan tangan contohnyer macam belajar angkat toy dan main dengan toy. Khalish suka kalau pergi Occupational Theraphy, abang yang ajar Khalish tu pandai pujuk dia main tapi kalau pergi ke Fisio dia mengamuk hentak-hentak kaki. Theraphist kat situ garang sikit dah dua kali dia suruh Khalish balik sebab Khalish nangis! Now the theraphy session is only once a month sebab ramai sangat patient kat Hospital Sg Buloh. I guess I need to find a private Theraphy Centre. Sebulan sekali tak cukup untuk Khalish. 

So, berbalik kepada kes demam Khalish...last week dia ada 2 terapi session tapi kena postpone sebab Khalish tak sihat. Sure dia tak nak buat kat rumah pun banyak merengek. Hopefully dia cepat sembuh. Mummy needs to do a lot of errand next week, huhuhu...Waleed dia balik lambat lagi early next month risau plak kalau demam Khalish melarat.

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